
Perrec Petry

"I create my sculptures because I love nature, and the sea in particular.
The act of creating is as natural and as necessary for me as breathing, and I try to create beauty and joy that will also raise people's awareness regarding the Sea and Nature.
Our Planet is approximately 70% water, primarily the Oceans and Seas, yet most of us know so little about the Sea and it's inhabitants. I live in The Bahamas, on a small island in a group of islands, surrounded by the sea and a beautiful and extensive reef system which protects the islands and allows us to survive through it's protection of the islands and by it's supplying us with food of many kinds.
The inspiration for my work comes every day, as I drive a small boat to my studio through the Sea of Abaco, and every day I see some inhabitants of this marvelous little Sea; Dolphins, Sea Turtles, Rays, Sharks - an endless flow of inspiration as I watch these creatures in their daily lives.

Part of the joy of my work is finding the woods that I use to create my sculptures.
I travel through the islands by boat, visiting many very small islands and marshy coves on the coasts of the larger islands, looking for the wood that Nature doesn't want anymore; dead trees and driftwood, and sometimes, the wooden foundation posts from long abandoned buildings. I recylcle Nature's discards in to sculptures that will live in this new incarnation for hundreds of years, reminding us to cherish and honour Nature.

The Sea gave birth to Man, and most of the creatures of the land. Now that our civilization is stressing the Planet with it's needs, perhaps it's time to remember our origins and remember to cherish, protect and honour the Oceans, Seas and Wetlands of our Planet before we do irreparable damage.
We must learn to live in a balance and harmony with Nature, before it's too late."
(Perrec Petry, 2010)

Perrec Petry lebt & arbeitet auf der idyllischen Insel Ebow Cay an der Spitze des bahamesischen Archipels.

Die natürliche Umgebung prägt seine Kunst.

Seit 30 Jahren fertigt der Künstler Skulpturen aus Treibholz, welche durch Sammler Verbreitung in der ganzen Welt finden.

Diese Ausstellung ermöglicht erstmals in Österreich ein Kennen- & Liebenlernen des Künstlers, seiner Werke & deren Entstehungsgeschichte.